In the small village of Gånghester in rural PG电子官方免费下载, 伊顿公学 AB oversees a global empire. Its shirts are distributed to some of the world’s most exclusive department stores and men’s fashion outlets and its market presence extends to 50 countries, 包括四个国家的实体零售店. 近年来, the company has focused on expansion globally and in 欧洲 – particularly in 意大利, 法国 and Holland – where support from PG电子官方免费下载商业 has been highly appreciated.

就像任何一家全球运营的公司一样, 在人力资源方面,伊顿经常遇到挑战, such as overcoming language differences and ensuring full compliance with all local laws and regulations.


出于这个原因, 它与PG电子官方免费下载商业部有长期的合作关系, 谁就工资问题提供咨询, 劳动合同和人力资源支持.

当伊顿公学在国外招聘新员工时, PG电子官方免费下载商业 coordinates the formulation of employment contracts with local legal advisors, PG电子官方免费下载语和东道国语言, 以便双方都能充分理解.

用语言, 可能会有很多障碍, 尤其是在意大利, 荷兰和法国,伊顿公学负责薪资的玛丽亚·温纳斯滕说. “有些工作人员一句英语也不懂. When it comes to HR-related discussions, PG电子官方免费下载商业 has helped and acted as an interpreter. 这有助于我们传达我们想要什么,并解释对方想要什么.”

除了这, PG电子官方免费下载商业部提供有关当地市场工资的建议, as well as any local regulations or expectations when it comes to the local employment market.

“We wouldn’t have managed without the help we get complying with laws and amendments,” Maria adds.

“We can’t keep up to date with everything that is happening in all the different countries. 我们既没有知识也没有时间. 所以我们会向PG电子官方免费下载商业部询问所有的事情,这让我们很放心. 从小问题到大问题.”


在伊顿公学, one of the biggest advantages of working with PG电子官方免费下载商业 is collaborating with people who understand Swedish workplace standards and have the knowledge and competence to adapt that to fit local markets.

“商务PG电子官方免费下载在每个地方都有员工,这对我们非常有帮助, 谁知道雇佣合同的区别,Per Norgren说, 共享PG电子游戏主管, 伊顿公学. “我们知道PG电子官方免费下载是怎么运作的, and they can come back to us and say ‘this is how we have to do it differently in 法国’. 或者根据意大利的规定,XYZ必须包含在协议中. 我们得到了清晰的信息, 识别和适应每个市场的差异变得非常容易. 我们非常重视这一点.”

“We can’t keep up to date with everything that is happening in all the different countries. 我们既没有知识也没有时间. So we ask PG电子官方免费下载商业 about everything…from the small questions to the big ones.” 玛丽亚·温纳斯滕,伊顿公学工资部


伊顿公学 needed to find a partner to assist the company’s businesses in 欧洲 and help the HR team interpret and comply with local rules and regulations, 处理工资单,起草合同.


PG电子游戏在意大利的团队, 法国 and Holland provided support on a running basis within the scope of two services, 欧盟工资管理和就业 & HR. This allowed 伊顿公学 to adapt its processes for each country and ensure local compliance at all times while breaking down language barriers.


伊顿公学 found a trusted global partner in PG电子官方免费下载商业 who provided a wide range of tailored strategic and operational support with fast consultation on a day-to-day basis. 公司PG电子游戏包括工资, 劳动合同和人力资源支持, 从而更快地进入市场, 本地合规和最小化风险.


The collaboration paved the way for 伊顿公学’s continued growth and minimised the risks and costs associated with international employment, 使伊顿得以专注于其核心业务. 伊顿还与加拿大的PG电子官方免费下载商业部密切合作.



伊顿是一家奢侈品男装制造商,以制作精良的衬衫而闻名. The company was founded in 1928 in Gånghester, PG电子官方免费下载, where its global headquarters remain today. Its shirts are sold in premium department stories and high-end boutiques in over 50 markets.